Monday, November 25, 2013

week 78

still catching my breath from moving and not 100% done yet... uggh... hard part is my car is very small and does not hold a ton. I already have my trunk full of Christmas gifts that I don't want Liv to find... so I am just working with the small backseat and front seat. I used the movers for the big stuff only. So I made my 20th trip again yesterday. I just don't have room for everything so It's a lot of sorting and deciding what is essential to me. I need to borrow Johns mini van to get one big load and just be done.  I am almost there.... as far as here at the condo I am feeling pretty settled and moved in/unpacked. There is a Entertainment armoire still at the house that I really want to bring.... but I need to disassemble it and transport it or see if I can get some help moving it.  I can't afford the movers a third time.

I purchased a tiny Christmas tree... 2 footer that I can easily store. It's not going to be the massive tree Liv is used to decorating but it is the spirit of Christmas that counts. I joined the Y and worked out 3 days last week. I have been really slacking on My fitness pal charting my intake... but I am planning on getting back to business soon. Overall I am making good choices.  Prolly partaking in too many sweets... but nothing to crazy.I think the movers broke my treadmill.... it works it is just making a weird rubbing sound.... I feel very grateful that I have got such great mileage out of it... my $50 moving sale find.  I hope it lasts me longer.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Friday, November 15, 2013

week 77

weight 135

I have to rehire the movers... ran out of time on Saturday and had to get the essentials moved first... ya know.. beds & washer & dryer and such.. but man I am missing my equipment. I re-hired the movers and Monday they will be bringing my treadmill and hopefully elliptical... and a few other things for the patio. It's going to be a tight squeeze in my bedroom... but I really want to make it work... so it will.

I have been really busy as you can imagine,,,, and pretty active walking up and down steps.
I am feeling better... I broke every nail moving and my whole body ached. I think I did 56 flights of stairs on moving day... lol.. I am starting to feel back to normal. I rearranged the living room last night and aggravated my back. So I am resting on the heating pad now.

Looking forward to getting back to my workouts.

Monday, November 11, 2013

yearly check up

Went to my endocrinologist today for my yearly exam

Dr. Weiss's scale always has me like 5 lbs more than my home scale.... I forgot to move my scale, so I am not sure what I weigh, but my pants have been feeling loose.

This year I weighed 140 on his scale, last year I weighed 141

he congratulated me for maintaining my weight loss for over a year. My labs look good, turns out I am not taking enough cortisone and that is why I am feeling crummy.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Back on track

Getting my body back To my usual diet after some fast food moving meals

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

week 76

weight 134

still in the process of moving... since I am doing the bulk of the grunt work ( hiring movers for the big stuff) I am pretty tuckered out and have been getting my workouts in via good old fashioned hard work.

be back soon