Thursday, December 13, 2012

week 30- Brrrrr & vent

am weight 134

since winter is upon us and it was 20 degrees this morning, i am feeling less motivated to workout in the early morning per my usual routine. So I am changing things up and some times working out after work. I am always home by 4pm... so I have time before dinner to workout.  I don't know what it is.... but I just feel more sluggish in the am in the winter. I guess it does not matter really, so long as I get my workout in but I liked having it done and out of the way first thing in the morning. On a bright note my first pm workout in six months.. I had so much more energy and such a better workout.. so who knows.. maybe this is a good change. I will keep you posted.

I was in a pissy mood yesterday. I have worked at my job for over 3 years now and not once in 3 years has my birthday been acknowledged. Now I normally would not have a problem with this as I am not one to call attention to myself in my everyday life. Here on the blog... yes... in real life.. not so much. Anyhow my beef is that the office celebrates every ones B-day except mine. Cards are passed around, occasionally cakes are purchased, flowers.. etc... do these people think I hatched out of an egg?

I am not in the office much.. only 2 days per week... so I am sure this has something to do with it... out of sight, out of mind. It's not like they don't know.. our birthdays are displayed in the common mail area and we are a small office.... just 15 Ladies. It's hard not to take that personally and it stings a little. Oh well... my  husband & daughter make a big to-do over my birthday and just living another year is a blessing to me. I feel silly even complaining about such a trivial thing.


  1. Sorry, that would be disappointing. I am glad you had a great birthday! Happy belated birthday!!

  2. Thanks Ko.... actually my B-day is on sat... it was just my last day in the office before my Bday, but ya never know.. maybe on monday... lol


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