Tuesday, January 1, 2013

week nine/week 33 & week 18/week 33

am weight 134

33 weeks... yeah me. I have been working out consistently since May. I work out doing 30 min minimum of cardio 5 days a week, doing heavy weights 3 days a week. My average workout is 50 minutes long. Honestly I thought my visible physical results would be more " WOW" after 33 weeks of hard work. I am working really, really hard. There are numerous non-scale victory's- better heart health, improved digestion, muscle tone, better sleep. I don't get winded going up stairs, I can run 3 miles. I have been 1 stinking pound away from my goal weight of 133...... it's comical at this point.  I have lost 13 lbs so far and 8 inches total. I went from a being a snug size 12 to a loose size 10, even my wedding rings are too big... which is silly since I weighed 133 on my wedding day... I must have really conditioned my fingers. I am really going to ramp up my routine because I want to have more wow results on my 1 year fit-anniversary.

                                                            week 9 & week 33

week 19 & week 33


  1. I definitely see the results. Remember that's from week 9 - note even week 1. Great work and very inspirational. And that Jackknife move is a killer. Look forward to seeing the 1 year results.

  2. Thanks for the comment Heather!

  3. You look amazing!
    I'm getting there slowly, your journey is pushing me along on mine - thanks! :D

    -Lorraine x

  4. This is awesome! I am so impressed! I have tried to get back into working out,but just have had a cough/sinus problem for 3 weeks! This is true motivation!


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