Friday, September 28, 2012

Post root canal update

so Monday I had my root canal and that night I felt ok, the next day I was a little tender but not to bad, by Wednesday it was menacing,constant pain that had me in tears by the end of the day. On Wednesday I went to my dentist and he prescribed me amoxicillian . I got the feeling that he was annoyed with me.. " it's only been a few days".... but it was his nurses that had me come in saying it did not sound right.  Everyone I spoke to said the tooth should not hurt since there are no nerves. He said it can take six months and pushed back my next appt for a month to give me time to heal. I was starting to feel depressed. I really started to regret doing this but John reminds me to think of the possible greater pain I most likely avoided. I am trying to have no regrets.

So Thursday came and after 24 hours on antibiotics I was still hurting and now my lower lip is numb & tingling. I called my dentist and they said give the antibiotics more time to work. I decided to seek out a specialists opinion, the endodontic specialist took an x-ray and told me the root canal on this tooth is very close to a nerve and that was probably aggravated which causes the numbness in my lip.. which is annoying more than anything.

I explained that while before I felt no pain, now I feel like I need a root canal.. pressure, jaw pain, a lump in my gum, half side of my face is numb & tingly. I fought back tears as he urged me to stay strong. I cried all the way home and  later he called me at home to prescribe me a script for medrol dose pack.  I told him it feels like my tooth has been tightly screwed into my bone and the tooth feels too full. The pressure is so bad that only sucking my thumb seems to help. How cute is that? a grown woman sucking her thumb.

This morning after my morning dose of the steroids I am feeling a little better, but still numb. If your the praying type please send a few my way.


  1. Hows your tooth feeling?? I hope you are feeling better!

  2. yes... the steroids & antibiotic have helped with the pain so much, almost back to 100%.


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