Sunday, September 23, 2012


warning this is one of those Metaphysical posts again.. if this is not your cup of Tea.. just pass on reading this.

I just finished a 2 day tarot card course, offered by the Woman who gave me my reading. I emailed her inquiring about any possible classes. After dabbling with tarot cards for 11 years, I finally feel that I get it and I am excited to get the opportunity to give readings. In the past I only did a one or three card spread and now I learned the Celtic spread. I need lots of practice, there is still more for me to learn but that needs to come from actually reading for people other than myself or Liv .. Liv always wants to know if she is going to get a puppy and that answer is always " No..not until your an adult".lol. If you are local and would like a free reading... please contact me. I have done remote readings in the past and people have told me good things about those.

 I need to see a picture of the person I am reading for, if I am doing it remotely.. don't ask me why. I need to visualize who i am reading for. Don't laugh at me.. but I have actually sold readings on ebay in the past... but found that I was putting more time & effort into it and not asking for enough money. I would take pictures of the cards, upload them and send them along with a lengthy description and then my thoughts... way to much time for the little money I was charging.

 John has been unwilling to let me read for him since taking the class, however he has let me in the past. I don't want to shove this down his throat or anyone's throat.I really enjoyed the class and getting out of the house to do something for myself. I am already thinking about what class I can take next.In other news I have my root canal tomorrow ( hold me), I am less nervous than I was before, but still a tad anxious because I don't know what to expect. I decided to go ahead and get the laughing gas and since I made that decision I feel a little better. In a perfect world I will only end up needing a filling.

1 comment:

  1. Oh I was I lived close bye- good luck with this!



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