Monday, October 15, 2012


I love & appreciate my husband... I do! he does so much for Liv and I. I often don't give him due credit. I may have had to demand & delegate to get him to do it, but since I returned to work three years ago he has really stepped up to the plate. He takes Liv to school, makes her breakfast and helps in many other ways. I am so grateful to have him.

Recently he started making dinner on Mondays... now cooking is not his thing... he prefers to grill burgers or get take out. Burgers, kebabs, eggs or take out is about it for John. Today when I came home he told me he was making banquet" pot pies & tater tots".. I thought he was kidding but he was serious. He seemed a little frustrated when I told him that I was not eating that... newsflash... I am eating differently these days honey. I briefly thought of having 1/2 of the potpie & making a huge salad so as not to upset him, but it was not worth the fat & sodium. If I am going to eat that much fat, I am not doing it on a 75 cent potpie.

John said he understood. I did not want to hurt his feelings. I whipped up a quick veggie & chicken sausage stir fry and served it over rice..... so quick & easy and most importantly HEALTHY.

Oh well.. he tried and Liv was happy with her Tater Tot dinner. I am happy that John just makes the effort to lighten my load. Thank you for cooking for Liv tonight John.

1 comment:

  1. That is impressive! I know I would have been very tempting to take the east way out and go tater tot. Way to go!


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