Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Week 21

Feeling good at week 21, I  felt very svelte in my outfit of choice today. I think I need to start wearing trouser socks soon... toes are getting chilly over here. I need to get my size 12 clothing taken in- I have no idea what that will cost or if it is more cost effective to just buy pre-owned on ebay?  I know when I had the sleeves shortened on my winter coat it was more costly than I thought it would be. I just have one pair of black pants at the moment that fit me perfectly, my other pants fall off. I know... such problems I am facing. I am kicking myself for giving away so many of my too- tight clothing .... because a few of things I held on to with the intention of selling, now fit me. That is one thing about me.. I am not a pack rat or a saver.. if It does not fit.. out it goes. Oh well.... now I get to try on size 10's and get some new basics for my wardrobe.

I also need to take my new measurements... have not done that in a little while.  This morning when I weighed in, the scale initially said 134, I ran to get the camera to document my scale victory and then it was 135.... so here I am at 135... going up a few when sore from pushing the weights and back down when recovered. I am still as motivated as ever and doing my thing five days a week.


  1. Looking fab Lauri! Keep up the great work :)

  2. You look great! I am enjoying reading about your fitness goals!


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