Smile and Let everyone know that today you’re a lot stronger than you were yesterday.
Monday, December 30, 2013
week 81
trying to get back on track and find my blogging & fitness mojo. I feel like I have been off focus since November. I worked out today ( yeah) and planning for wens and Friday too. I am basically still doing my thing... working out 2-3 days per week... but doing the bare minimum really. I just have lost a little drive & ambition. I think its minor depression and initially just being so exhausted from the move. My life & routine has changed.. I am now essentially a single parent and have more to juggle... but no excuses.. I got this.. I am not giving up or giving it... it is totally normal for ambition and motivation to wax and wane.
2014 is my year and I will be back with a vengeance. Stay tuned
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Saturday, December 14, 2013
week 80
found my fitbit... so happy... was fixing to buy another on ebay
so I am doing pretty good with my workouts.. basically getting some workouts in 3 days a week... more at the Y these days than at home but that is ok, I fell off the wagon tracking my food on my fitness pal since the move and I really need to get back into that habit.
I also feel like I am emotional eating more than usual... which is understandable given my circumstances but still not something I want to make a habit of. I simply recognize it and keep myself busy in other ways.
how are you all doing on your fitness goals?
Sunday, December 8, 2013
this & that
I am so bummed... oh well.. I will have to buy another on ebay. I had my root canal retreat on wens.... OUCH!!!!!! worked out wens/fri and tonight.
Monday, December 2, 2013
week 79
worked out three days at the Y last week.... it's good because it is getting me and Liv out of the house. They have some cool equipment and this new sideways elliptical machine which seems to mimic ice skating and I really felt it.Today I was planning on going but am struggling with a sinus headache... I took a Claritin D which made me feel so sleepy... I know those things are supposed to be non drowsy... but I swear they affect me. I napped for an hour.
The day is still young... I may still head to the Y. I have been a tad cranky lately... and snapping at Liv. We are kinda on top of each other here at the Condo and just with her boredom on thanksgiving break.... we were just in each others hair. I am thankful John came to get her this morning to keep her for the night.... we both needed that break.
I may just take a mental health day and take a nice long bath and enjoy the quiet condo. I was able to meet up with a friend for lunch today for a much needed bitch & vent session.
Monday, November 25, 2013
week 78
I purchased a tiny Christmas tree... 2 footer that I can easily store. It's not going to be the massive tree Liv is used to decorating but it is the spirit of Christmas that counts. I joined the Y and worked out 3 days last week. I have been really slacking on My fitness pal charting my intake... but I am planning on getting back to business soon. Overall I am making good choices. Prolly partaking in too many sweets... but nothing to crazy.I think the movers broke my treadmill.... it works it is just making a weird rubbing sound.... I feel very grateful that I have got such great mileage out of it... my $50 moving sale find. I hope it lasts me longer.
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Friday, November 22, 2013
Monday, November 18, 2013
Friday, November 15, 2013
week 77
I have to rehire the movers... ran out of time on Saturday and had to get the essentials moved first... ya know.. beds & washer & dryer and such.. but man I am missing my equipment. I re-hired the movers and Monday they will be bringing my treadmill and hopefully elliptical... and a few other things for the patio. It's going to be a tight squeeze in my bedroom... but I really want to make it work... so it will.
I have been really busy as you can imagine,,,, and pretty active walking up and down steps.
I am feeling better... I broke every nail moving and my whole body ached. I think I did 56 flights of stairs on moving day... lol.. I am starting to feel back to normal. I rearranged the living room last night and aggravated my back. So I am resting on the heating pad now.
Looking forward to getting back to my workouts.
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Monday, November 11, 2013
yearly check up
Dr. Weiss's scale always has me like 5 lbs more than my home scale.... I forgot to move my scale, so I am not sure what I weigh, but my pants have been feeling loose.
This year I weighed 140 on his scale, last year I weighed 141
he congratulated me for maintaining my weight loss for over a year. My labs look good, turns out I am not taking enough cortisone and that is why I am feeling crummy.
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
week 76
still in the process of moving... since I am doing the bulk of the grunt work ( hiring movers for the big stuff) I am pretty tuckered out and have been getting my workouts in via good old fashioned hard work.
be back soon
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Monday, October 28, 2013
Health Fair
I happened upon a health fair last week when picking up Liv's meds. I got my weight, cholesterol, blood pressure, BMI and a flu shot.
My weight on their scale was 144. They told me I was overweight.. HA!
cholesterol was 150 ( it has never ever been so low. Makes me question how accurate the machine was.. but that is totally awesome if that is right)
Blood pressure was high.. also a first for me.....but considering the major life changes I am going through.. It does not surprise me.
I am taking a hiatus from my workouts but not my calorie counting... I am getting plenty of exercise packing and preparing to move. I did 14 flights of stairs today
I will be back soon
Friday, October 25, 2013
WEEK 75- hiatus
This is the first week since I began this way of Living 75 weeks ago,that I am off my game... I have good reason.. I am going through some major life changes. Yesterday was a work out day, I had a flu shot and just felt yucky. So I only worked out Saturday and Tuesday this week.
I am giving myself some wiggle room for awhile because I am moving in 2 weeks and have lots to do.... I anticipate being very active and busy for awhile.
I will be back soon to update and will still be doing my best to maintain.
Saturday, October 19, 2013
week 74
maintaining over here in the midst of some tough times
ate better this week, did my workouts...
I know all will be well....
Sunday, October 13, 2013
week 73- meh
Week of ups and downs over here.... ate like crap some of the time......going through issues in my life and have a lot on my mind. On Friday I had my belvita biscuits & coffee at 6.30 am, forgot to pack a healthy snack and ended up so hungry that I went through drive through and got fast food at 12.30... starving and needing something immediately. I try hard not to let myself get that way by packing almonds or having a greek yogurt around 10am.... I did the bare minimum with my workouts this week...... but I still worked out.
started Liv on a new adhd med and every time we do this it is a roller coaster of Mama guilt.
starting with a clean slate today and this week..
I did get to my endocrinologist on Friday to get some labs to see if my thyroid meds should me adjusted..... I took a few hours of personal time to take Liv to her psychiatrist, then I stopped at my doctors to draw blood and then did a home visit and went into the office to finish up my day.
Saturday, October 5, 2013
Friday, October 4, 2013
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Week 71
this week was really emotional.. going through some stuff in my personal life I am stepping back and just breathing..... phew....and permission to just be in my own skin for awhile with no pressure.. I don't have to make a choice right now.. when the time comes I will know.
just wrapped up my first 90 days at my new job.. I feel I can relax a little now.. confident in my role. they offered me full time in January which will really help. The full time comes with more responsibilities. Changing careers is pretty stressful overall. I did just ok with my workouts this week... nothing to fabulous.... lots of walking outside... my heart was not in running at all..... just felt lethargic... but I still did my mon, tue, thurs workout and today walked over 6 miles.
I ate like crap today.... the zoo offered pizza hut or McDonald's...I should have planned ahead and packed a healthy option. I did pass up ice-cream and ate my trail mix instead. I had a kid sized meal of cheeseburger/small fries and diet coke.. that was my first fast food meal in a long time. Felt like crud afterwards....
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Saturday, September 21, 2013
week 70
Now this scale is pissing me off......really taking a good honest look at my food diary on MFP and will have to re-evaluate things. Prolly too much snacking is the culprit if I am being 100% honest.... been eating candy here & there at work..... I am doing my thing with my workouts and walking on my lunch breaks and with Liv on rest days.. I will clean up my diet and be back in my 135 comfort zone in no time. John thinks it's muscle. I have not brought out the tape measure in awhile... so I will do that and we will see.
I have been sore... from my increase in outdoor runs and my weights tends to creep up when I am healing ( body retains water while repairing muscle)... but it is stretch to account for that much of an increase. Just 2 weeks ago I was 135. I can't let it have power over me or bring me down... but just let it be a reminder to take a look at my diet and hone in on weaknesses.
One positive is that my resting HR is in the " Athlete' category.... that made me smile. That is a Non scale victory and something to be proud of.
Sat- run/walk
sun- rest day
mon- run/walk
tue- run/walk
wens- rest day
thurs- elliptical
fri- rest day
sat- Today. Going to do some weights and run in or out if the rain stops.
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Monday, September 16, 2013
Monday Runday and Mental Health
I have been a little to snacky at my new job..... eating out of boredom/stress. This has probably accounted for my weight gain. Again I need to choose fruits & nuts for snacks and not the high sugar 100 calorie packs that my sweet tooth is drawn too. My new job has been a big adjustment in my life....been there just shy of 3 months and I have days that I really miss my old job. I am not crazy about my 45 min commute. I feel more isolated at my new work place.... lonely.... it's less of a social job.. and I did not realize how social we were at my old job.... it may have been toxic and dysfunctional at times... but those Ladies really were my sounding board. I am slowly getting to know my new coworkers and it is a very professional mostly drama free environment. I have been trying hard to connect with friends and luckily have been able to meet up for lunch, play dates and have a lunch date with my old coworker next week that I am looking forward to.
I decided to seek out a therapist.. I am uninsured which is what has deterred me in the past. There is a place near my job that has a sliding fee scale and based on my income I need to pay about $30 a session. I have my first visit later this week. That copay doable if I go every other week. I think just having someone to talk to regarding some of my concerns is only going to help me. I have a very positive view of therapy and I have gone on & off for several years. I think this could also help keep my emotional eating in check if I am getting those feelings out in other ways.
I really want to overcome my elevator phobia... this is a newish problem for me and I am extremely embarrassed by it. It seemingly came out of nowhere.. I noticed that my throat started feeling dry when in an elevator and then feeling anxiety when it took awhile for the doors to open and then I was in a old faulty elevator that shuddered and that did me in so to speak. I have read about this particular fear and some say it's hard to overcome as the rides don't last long enough for a person to wait out the symptoms. I don't have any irrational fears of being stuck... by avoiding elevators I am avoiding those uncomfortable feelings. I know it will pass.. I know I will be fine... but they are terrifying enough to take the stairs/
I am perplexed by this.. I rode elevators without a care for 40 years and then one day... anxiety.
really hoping I can find a good therapist to help me through this and just be a sounding board .
Saturday, September 14, 2013
week 69
Hello Yo-yo scale... again... whatev's... I know I am doing alright. I was 142 at the doc scale.
I worked out tue, thurs, and Sat this week.
really motivated by my HR monitor.... wish I could find one device to do it all.. my fitbit monitors cals burned, distance, steps, stairs, and sleep.. however it does not do HR. My HR monitor does HR, cals burned and duration but not distance or pace/speed... oh well.. between the too I get most of what I need.
Thursday, September 12, 2013
HR monitor
Interesting that Lifting weights and push ups got my HR up really quick and also I seem to recover really fast... I heard Chris say on Extreme weight loss that this is a good sign of cardiovascular fitness.
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
putting me first
John mentioned something about a workout not being important.... scuse me???? it's very important to me.. Hello.. do you not know me at all?
Thursday, September 5, 2013
week 68
weight 135
Finally a break from my 137 streak....... I seriously felt like I was at 137 for 3 months straight. I knew something had to give eventually. I know that when I am sore that the body is retaining water to repair itself. I knew I was making good choices and working out.
This week I have been really sore... a good sore. I am in this in between stage with my strength training and one set of weights is to light but another is to heavy...I started adding 2 lb wrist weights to make up the difference and it has been working....I can feel it. The biggest challenge is finding ways to continue confusing and challenging my muscles.
I am getting ready to hop on the elliptical and get my workout out of the way... tonight is meet the teacher night ( yeah)
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Constant Craving
I contemplated making one for the family.. but they are so labor intensive. I asked John to pick me up a Marie Calendar's individual sized one. I nearly fainted when I looked at the calories and fat... over 600 calories and 34 grams of fat... yikes.... I never would have purchased it had I been shopping. I thought I would save it for the weekend when I don't count calories... but after eating salads for the past few days, I really want a stick to your bones dinner.
what also makes it bad is that today is my rest day.. so I don't have the extra calories to spare so to speak. But it's all good.. I am going to have it and enjoy it.. I will be over my calories...but it's not the end of the world. I will prolly just make up for it by eating extra clean on the weekend which is my usual splurge time.
what have you been craving?
Office lunch
Getting my salad on
Cooked The chicken breast last night in moroccan seasonings and it is so yummy
What did you have For lunch?
Monday, September 2, 2013
Monday Run day
My biggest thing with outdoor running is pacing and getting so winded. I don't get that winded running 3 miles on the treadmill. I just keep trying, keep practicing and slowly I am improving.
I am think by next Monday I will be able to do the full mile... That will be amazing.
Protien shakes Q&A
Hi Lauri! I finally got the protein powder to try some of your smoothies. What type of pudding mix are you using? Do you ever make a double batch so you can have some ready for the next day or do they not store well? Thanks for the fitness and diet inspiration! As a fellow adoptive parent I started with your blog with Liv and now read this one too! Britt
I just use jello or generic brand regular INSTANT pudding mix and add about a tablespoon... its like 25 calories extra but really gives the smoothie some body and makes it taste decadent. I probably should try sugar free jello but I really try to avoid artificial sweeteners. I like to use Vanilla, Banana or chocolate.
My fav tip- Just adding a tablespoon of unsweetened baking cocoa makes any smoothie chocolate... that way you can just buy vanilla as your base and make a number of different varieties. I have a bag of blueberry's, strawberry's, pumpkin and bananas in the freezer all ready to go so making one in the morning just takes minutes. I have found that using plain almond milk cuts the sugar quite a bit. I was buying the " vanilla" almond milk. My almond milk has 60 calories but my friend uses a type that is only 30 calories... so I will have to look for that. I have also started adding flax. I don't make any in bulk... not sure it would keep... let me know if you have luck with that...I think it would get watery but I am not sure.
what brand of protein powder did you get?
I have tried EAS brand chocolate, muscle milk banana creme, Vanilla Shakeology and 1 step wellness chocolate and French vanilla....
Shakeology is crazy expensive and there is so much hype around it..I tasted wheat grass in this and it was not a fav.
Friday, August 30, 2013
Salad fail
Its official...i am a salad snob. todays deli salad was filled with The bitter White innards of iceberg.....yuck.On The other hand i dont love a salad that is too wild with curly field greens...i guess i am picky. i love a 50/50 mix.
What are you picky about?
Thursday, August 29, 2013
week 67- TMI
perplexed by the scale... but whatevs....not letting that bother me because I know I have done the work and made healthy choices. Been super healthy this week. I am going to my endocrinologist in Oct and having labs done and asking for an increase in my thyroid meds..over the years my dosage goes up & down and this is when of those times I need it to go up.. I can just feel it.
Todays run was the complete opposite of Mondays run.. I was not feeling the running outside today.. my thighs were screaming at me... still sore from Mondays run. Dealing with a girly issue that made running uncomfortable. I resorted to walking for 15 min and then I came inside and managed to run on the treadmill for 15 minutes and then hit the weights for upper body and did some prone jackknifes. Better than nothing for sure.
I have been cranky as heck... trying unsuccessfully to battle a yeast infection for a good month with probiotics.
I was on z-pac last month and that got my system out of wack. sorry TMI I know... it was like it was manageable and than suddenly I felt that If I did not get some relief I would go postal. I finally called and asked for a script for diflucan. Can't wait to feel better.
to top off my week I discovered Liv had lice... ugghh..I think she picked it up the daycare she was at briefly before school started. There was a two week gap between summer camp ending and school starting. She was scratching her head on Saturday and I checked her but found nothing. I chalked it up to chlorine or not rinsing well enough... after continued itching and after a closer look.. I found them.... 15 years as a daycare/headstart teacher has honed my lice detection skills. So Tuesday I did not workout... I spent the evening stripping the beds, bagging up stuffed toys, washing bedding and treating Liv and myself for good measure. I don't have it, however Liv has been sleeping in my bed lately so I just wanted to cover all bases. What an ordeal... it took up the whole night. That was two days ago.. I have been checking her twice daily.... combing her out.. as of now she is nit free thank goodness.. I will keep checking though.. she has a lot of hair and those nits are tiny.
I used a natural non chemical shampoo called Lice guard, tea tree conditioner and a special metal tooth comb... the secret is just comb, comb, comb.. grab a flash light or sunlight is best and divide the head in sections and carefully look for eggs. It takes me an hour to get through Liv's head. This is the second time she has brought it home.. the last was 2 years ago... I am hoping this is the last time.. because it sucks.
Is it Friday yet?
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Monday, August 26, 2013
I have been doing good at my new job. I have been there nearly 2 months. However One of my programs is out of money.. so twice a week I just answer phones and am a " body" in the office for eight hours... I have offered to cut my hours during the dry spell, but they insist on having me in the office... not going to lie.. that sucks. I like being busy and just farting away the day drives me bonkers. I look for things to do, but when there is no work... its really hard. Hopefully that is short lived. I should not complain.. I have a job... Wednesday's and Fridays are just really hard.... I hate feeling unproductive. I hope new money comes soon. Tuesdays & Thursdays are spent working my other program which is doing great... so I get a reprieve from my boredom.
It was a hot day today to run... I made a tasty pumpkin smoothie for lunch... yummo.
role call.... so who is still reading this blog?
Pumpkin pie smoothie
My fav smoothie so far... a little backstory.. I love, love, love.. anything pumpkin... Pumpkin pie with plenty of whipped cream or ice cream is my very fav dessert. In fact I usually make a pie in the fall and have it for breakfast daily. This smoothie did not disappoint. It was so tasty and just what I needed today for lunch.
I had some eggs on sat morning.. Liv and I split a greasy spoon breakfast of eggs, hashbrowns and bacon and then my gall bladder stated acting up. Looks like I really need to avoid eggs... they seem to bring on gall bladder issues as does red meat.
283 calories, 7 gram fat, 14 gram protein, 8 gram fiber, 29 sugar
6 oz unsweetened almond milk
1/4 cup frozen pumpkin ( I just scoop out portions into freezer bags)
1 scoop vanilla whey powder
1/2 teaspoon flax ( working my way up to adding more flax)
1 tablespoon maple syrup
1 tablespoon vanilla pudding dry mix ( really thickens up the smoothie, worth the extra cals)
4 ice cubes
1/2 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice
I think I will try to forgo the maple syrup next time... or add less.
Saturday, August 24, 2013
week 66
sore this week.... over did my upper body work... plan on resting poolside today
Thursday, August 22, 2013
I love a deal
I find the vanilla flavor more versatile as I can easily make it chocolate flavored by adding baking cocoa.I just need to find a way to cut down the sugar in my shake.... I think getting unsweetened almond milk will help a lot. The protein powder has very little sugar 2 grams, while the milk has 10 grams. I am guessing it is just the natural sugars in fruit that make up the rest. I suppose I could add water.... but I like the calcium of almond milk. I am going to have to play around with different types of liquids. Liv really likes the Vanilla sweetened almond milk and prefers it to regular milk which she basically refuses to drink plain.
I want to start adding some ground flax to my smoothies... because it is supposed to be good for you. My reason for drinking protein shakes is all the positive research I am reading in favor of it. I also use my blender instead of just a blender bottle. The blender really gives it a great texture.
while I am not seeing any wow scale changes yet.. I do feel stronger & better. also My skin, nails and hair look better and I am really enjoying playing around with different combos and recipes.
Here is what my typical day looks like
6.30 am Protien shake- 8 oz almond milk, 1 scoop whey powder, assorted frozen fruit, ice ( extras- PB2 powder, teaspoon dry pudding mix, etc. = 280/300 calories, 5 gram fat, 8 gram fiber, 28 grams protein, 25 + gram sugar depending what fruit I add.
10 am- light snack- Fat free greek yogurt or triscut crackers & cottage cheese or granola bar
12- lunch ( salad, leftovers or a lean cuisine)
3- light snack- fruit or fiber one bar
5- dinner
7- snack if I have calories leftover and if I am hungry. If It is a rest day than I typically don't have the calories left for a snack.
have you tried protein shakes?
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
My dell laptop broke after having it just over a year.. the motherboard is bad. I have been sharing Liv's computer, but am happy to now have this netbook to blog on.
I am a little frustrated with the scale... but I should know better right? to let the scale have so much power. Chris Powell on extreme makeover is all about the scale. Is anybody else watching extreme weightloss? a new episode is on tonight. It is so inspiring. Anywho my scale is seemingly stuck... even though I have been under my calorie goals and working out hard.... Hrrumph. I want to lose 5 lbs.
I have been doing pretty darn good at eating fresh fruits and veggies. I went to the farmers market today after work I was so tempted to buy a ton... It seems they go bad so fast .... but I am sick & tired of throwing away fruit. I always ask John to put fresh fruit in liv's lunch ( we take turns packing) but he won't and she won't make those healthy choices. If I pack it.. she typically eats it.
I started making my protein shakes with almond milk... should have got the unsweetened because the sugar count in my fav shake is pretty high. I keep going over my sugar limit... going to really try to rein this in. I do not drink any pop or anything...just water all day, nor am I adding sugar to anything... It's just in fat free low fat stuff in copious amounts. Today I ate pretty darn healthy and still my sugar is over. I am making a goal to be more aware of hidden sugars and limit them.
I get frustrated that after a year of running, that my outdoor running stamina has not improved much... It is a slow process. I have been making a serious effort this summer to improve and yet I struggle with running 1/2 mile before getting very winded. I think its pacing and todays heat did not help. So I typically just do the c25k regimen... walk to warm until I can't run anymore and my lungs are burning... then walk until I catch my breathe... wash, rinse, repeat.
My goal is to be able to run a mile outside without stopping.. mind you I can do three miles without stopping already on the treadmill.
I want to achieve these goals by October 20th 2013.
Saturday, August 17, 2013
week 65-a good week
Today I took Liv to taste of willoughby and they had so many yummy food choices, proud that I picked the healthiest option.. a chicken rice thai bowl.... let me tell you the pizza and italian food looked so tempting... but I am really trying to drop some lb's.
still doing my thing over here... how are you coming along with your fitness goals?
Friday, August 16, 2013
Thursday, August 15, 2013
2 tablespoons cool whip
1 tablespoon PB2 powder
( mixed together)
1 graham cracker
would be great with a banana slice added too...
117 cal and 3.5 gram of fat
Yeah it is here
I could not find this anywhere locally... ordered it from GNC... it was a little more expensive but they had $1 shipping special which made it cheaper in the long run compared to other vendors. I have been hearing about this for awhile... excited to try some of the recipes. Tonight I made a snack and tomorrow I will have a chocolate, banana, PB2 protein shake for brekkie.
Have you tried PB2?
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
protien shakes
a few favs- The calories are roughly 250, 20 protein, 5 grams fat, 6 grams fiber and 36 carbs.
1 scoop vanilla protein powder- I like 1step wellness sold at Walgreen $18.00 ( used to cost $
8 ounces 1 % milk
1/4 to 1/2 frozen banana
1 tablespoon cocoa powder ( the unsweetened baking kind)
1/2-1 tablespoon chocolate pudding mix- dry ( add's minimal calories, but great taste and texture)
1 scoop vanilla protein powder- I like 1step wellness sold at Walgreen $18.00 ( used to cost $
8 ounces 1 % milk
1/2 frozen banana
1 tablespoon cocoa powder ( the unsweetened baking kind)
1/2-1 tablespoon chocolate pudding mix- dry ( add's minimal calories, but great taste and texture)
1 heaping spoonful of peanut butter or PB2 powder
1 scoop vanilla protein powder- I like 1step wellness sold at Walgreen $18.00 ( used to cost $
8 ounces 1 % milk
1/2 frozen banana
frozen berries- strawberries
tablespoon of vanilla or banana dry pudding mix
I have a few others I want to try.. pumpkin spice, pina colada, orange creme.
Yummy snack
120 calories and 4.5 fat ...10 gram sugar..20 grams carbs
I do a similar one with a fiber one brownie, fresh strawberries and vanilla fro-yo
Its very small... but a tasty little dessert that feels indulgent... this and skinny cow ice cream sammies are my go to treat snacks.

Monday, August 12, 2013
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Friday, August 9, 2013
Back to basics
Starting on my breakfast shakes again
Protien powder
1/3 frozen banana
A tablespoon of pudding mix
A ice cube
= yummy
Waiting on my shipment of pb2 powder to add lowfat high protien peanut butter to my shakes.
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
you say plateau, I say platoe
I have been doing pretty awesome with my workouts... getting extra activity in on the weekends when I am focusing on Livi. Doing lots of stairs. Trying to enjoy as much outside time as I can before summer is gone. If anything I am eating less salads and more convenience lean cuisine type lunches.....stress snacking more at night and indulging in a few to many ice-creams. I really think being lax in my healthy eating is the culprit.I am still drinking my water and making good choices... but just falling off the wagon a smidge. I rather catch it early.
This weeks activity & accountability log
fri- rest day, splurge meal at a mexican place
sat- beach day with Liv... walking up lots of steps at the beach and 1 mile walk/run outdoors combo in the AM - lots of ice-cream too
sun- active day at the farm, over 12,000 steps and 5 miles walked, 600 cals burned ( had a few fries from Liv's kids meal)
mon- walk/run 3 miles on treadmill ( nursing shin splints from Saturdays run, or else I would have ran 3 miles w/o walking)bicep curls, pushups, dips, upper body kettle ball weights, good stretch
tues ( today) 20 min of good intense cardio on my nordic track and then prone jackknife for abs, planks, pushups and delt rows, dips.
wens- rest day
Thurs- TBD- prolly elliptical
fri- rest day
I just did a quick check on MFP for the last 30 days and I have been over on fat & sugar :( ...... funny I tend to just focus on my daily calories and not much else.
It's good to check in and be accountable.... packed a big healthy salad for lunch today.... my back to basics diet that keeps me on a healthy path. I just have to remember to rein in my emotional snacking.
Sunday, August 4, 2013
week 63
Weight 136
Very active day with my liv
11,600 steps, 600 cals burned, 5 miles walked....all while spending time with liv at the farm park
Staying true to my word about enjoying more natural snacks.
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Monday, July 29, 2013
Sunday, July 28, 2013
week 62
weight 136
holding steady.. been at my job a month and found a good routine. Mondays I run 3 miles, tue I do the elliptical & abs and Thursdays I power walk and do upper body weights. Need to up my fresh fruit & veggies.. slacking off a little with my busier schedule and relying on lean cuisines and 100 cal packs.
My moody Mia tortie cat.. age 13 just went missing. We are devastated. It was around 2 pm and I realized I had not seen her in a while. I got this weird panicky feeling like she was really gone. That is not odd for her to be out of sight all day. I checked her usual hiding spots, then we checked the entire house. She is gone. The cats do go out on the deck here & there, in our fenced in yard and sit in the sun. Mia usually runs out and comes back in on her own after nibbling some grass. Never in 13 years has she gone off or had any interest in going anywhere... she is very skittish. Max on the other hand will stay out all day. I sent Liv to bring max in prior to running errands this morning and we closed up the house and left for a few hours. It is possible she was locked out? but I don't recall seeing her at all this morning or yesterday. The last I saw her was friday night. Sat we ran around all day and did not get home until 9.30 pm.
I have a sick feeling she ran off to die... she is so smart and I could see her doing something like that. The not knowing is the hard part. She did not have a collar. so sad
Monday, July 22, 2013
Thursday, July 18, 2013
week 61
So this week I brought my A game to my workouts.... on Monday ( day off) I ran 3 miles in 30 min on the treadmill, my 1st 10 min mile. I felt like a rock-star. My outdoor pace is improving, but I have less stamina and trouble pacing.. I can only go about 1/2 mile spurts. Today I got my workout in early... 30 min on the elliptical and then a brisk walk in the 100 degree heat outside.
I still get frustrated that my body does not look how I would like after 14 months of exercise... it is what it is. I am very proud of my self for my dedication. I have worn my fitbit for a year straight, tracked my daily food intake for 14 months,and been consistent with good choices.
Having tailbone troubles.. hurt it a few years back and it flares up. I got a kabooti cushion and it is helping some... but I just need to take more breaks... I actually started eating my lunch standing up.. lol
Fitbit Stats
More cals burned than eaten for a whole year
taken from my fitbit stats ( I adore my fitbit)exercise has improved my sleep habits.