Thursday, February 21, 2013

week 40

weight 133

Yesterday afternoon my gall bladder started acting up.... yikes.... it is a horrible pain... starts as gas & bloating & heartburn feeling, then ache and pains in my upper shoulders & back and then I get the squeezing nagging pain right in my upper abdomen right below/between my ribs, towards the left side. The pain can be sharp or dull.... but it is constant. It was painful all night and is still really tender now. My skin is red & blotchy from the abuse of a heating pad. I was unable to sleep on my usual left side without a sharp pain. It feels like something is blocked and I can actually feel a squeezing/gripping pain. I am frustrated that I am still dealing with this... after all I have done to be in a healthier place. I have had ultrasounds twice... one during an attack, one the day after.. no stones. They can tell from blood work that something is going on. The last ER doc thought Pancreatis and suggested a specialist. I still have not paid the ER bill from last year. When you are a 40 something complaining of squeezing pain in your upper body they think " heart attack" and do every test in the book.... $$$$$$$. I can't go to the Er. My primary doc says there is nothing she can do and to go to the ER during an episode. It would be so nice to be insured and have some help. This has been going on for four years now... I have probably had eight to ten episodes. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to it... nothing I can pinpoint in my diet. I know I need to see a specialist and get to the bottom of this once and for all.My stubborn butt even tried working out at the start of an attack.. before I realized what it was.. thinking a 30 min brisk walk on the treadmill would aide my digestion... I got off after 15 min when it got worse.

I called the low-cost clinic...I can come on tuesday or thursday.

I know the ER cannot deny treatment and of-course I will go if it gets unbearable. I am just worried about the bill. They did discount my old bill by 30% but it is still very costly.


  1. I'm so sorry - hope you're feeling better!

  2. Oh Lauri, that is horrible. I had my gallbladder out in the mid 80's but my issues were acute. However, like you, my sister had chronic gallbladder issues for years before she got hers removed. When she had an attack she drank warm sugar water, she said it helped settle it down. Make sure you eat low to no fat as fat is what sets them off typically. Oh my - here's hoping you get some relief.


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