weight 135
Next week marks my One year anniversary of this new lifestyle-here are my top 10 fav tips & advice
1) change takes time.. I expected that by 1 year in working out 5 days a week that I would be firmer and have a bikini ready body...I am not at that place YET.. I am come so far... I am not done in the journey... I will keep pushing and changing things up to get new results... I can only be the best me... one day at a time
2) be accountable- journal, blog, keep a food diary, chronicle your journey with pics so you can see the changes. I can't tell you how much my old pics motivate and inspire me. People who journal are more successful and likely to stick to their goals.
3) start small and go from there... small changes add up in the long run.. just cutting out Pop or Fast food can make a huge difference.
4) reward your effort... I reward myself once a month for working out.I also take weekends off from calorie counting and exercise.
5) every healthy choices matter and add up... one bad meal won't ruin you just like one good meal won't transform you.... just choose mostly good
6) just get started.. just the other day I had pushed off my workout off until it was 5 pm and I was so tired... I forced my self on the elliptical and before I knew it I had done my 30 minutes. Just try.. something is better than nothing. If you can only do 15... rock that 15 min workout.
7) don't look outwards for your motivation or support... find like minded people to support you.. I kept waiting for someone at work ( I work with all women) to notice my changes... to notice my weight loss.. to complement me.... it has never happened...NEVER! some people will not support you out of jealousy. Once someone at work said something snarky about me being able to wear what ever I wanted.. I simply replied.. I work hard on my body 5 days a week.
8) start now.. don't wait.. you don't need a gym or fancy foods
9) the truth.. eating healthy IS more expensive... but its worth it.
10) Your worth it !!!! I used to tell myself that this is just how my body was.. it was my thyroid ( I do have an honest to goodness medically treated thyroid condition). Even now I catch myself saying " oh well.. maybe I am past my tummy baring prime".... that is my goal.. to be able to confidently bare my tummy. I am worth the effort and I won't give up.
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