Sunday, August 5, 2012

My Routine

My exercise routine


Monday- 30 minutes on elliptical selecting a pre-programmed workout routine... there are 6 levels total, 1 is easiest and 6 is hardest... I have worked up to level 4 and that kicked my ass.

Tuesday- 30 minutes running on the treadmill- starting week nine of c25k- I run for 2.5 miles

Wednesday- 30 minutes on the elliptical

Thursday- 30 minutes on the treadmill running

Friday- 30 minutes training to run outdoors- I  have been doing a mile- half walking and half running.

strength training- I don't know the actual names for all the work I do.. but it's adapted from the Firm workout videos.

3 days a week-  heavy arm weights

push ups

tricep dips

15 lb delt work- bent delt raises

10 lat raises

10 lb military presses

15 lb curl bar for biceps

10 lbs triceps- french press

5 lb for lighter work

twice a week/here and there---- not as consistent with this aspect

I rest on weekends

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