Sunday, July 28, 2013

week 62

weight 136

holding steady.. been at my job a month and found a good routine. Mondays I run 3 miles, tue I do the elliptical & abs and Thursdays I power walk and do upper body weights. Need to up my fresh fruit & veggies.. slacking off a little with my busier schedule and relying on lean cuisines and 100 cal packs.

My moody Mia tortie cat.. age 13 just went missing. We are devastated. It was around 2 pm and I realized I had not seen her in a while. I got this weird panicky feeling like she was really gone. That is not odd for her to be out of sight all day. I checked her usual hiding spots, then we checked the entire house. She is gone. The cats do go out on the deck here & there, in our fenced in yard and sit in the sun. Mia usually runs out and comes back in on her own after nibbling some grass. Never in 13 years has she gone off or had any interest in going anywhere... she is very skittish. Max on the other hand will stay out all day. I sent Liv to bring max in prior to running errands this morning and we closed up the house and left for a few hours. It is possible she was locked out? but I don't recall seeing her at all this morning or yesterday. The last I saw her was friday night. Sat we ran around all day and did not get home until 9.30 pm.

I have a sick feeling she ran off to die... she is so smart and I could see her doing something like that. The not knowing is the hard part. She did not have a collar. so sad

Thursday, July 18, 2013

week 61

weight this morning 135 ( doctors scale had me at 142... wtf is the deal with doctors scales???)

So this week I brought my A game to my workouts.... on Monday ( day off) I ran 3 miles in 30 min on the treadmill, my 1st 10 min mile. I felt like a rock-star. My outdoor pace is improving, but I have less stamina and trouble pacing.. I can only go about 1/2 mile spurts. Today I got my workout in early... 30 min on the elliptical and then a brisk walk in the 100 degree heat outside.

I still get frustrated that my body does not look how I would like after 14 months of exercise... it is what it is. I am very proud of my self for my dedication. I have worn my fitbit for a year straight, tracked my daily food intake for 14 months,and been consistent with good choices.

Having tailbone troubles.. hurt it a few years back and it flares up. I got a kabooti cushion and it is helping some... but I just need to take more breaks... I actually started eating my lunch standing up.. lol

Fitbit Stats

More cals burned than eaten for a whole year

taken from my fitbit stats ( I adore my fitbit)
exercise has improved my sleep habits.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Quick dinner

190 Cal    3.5 fat   30 carbs

Birdseye violia dinner with added veggies

Friday, July 12, 2013

Phew- week 60

So I work 4 days a week- My wens & fri office days with my commute turn out to be 10 hour days.. out the door at 7.30am- home at 5.30pm... today is wens and I am spent..... spent... I don't know how I would squeeze a workout in after work.. but no excuses...It would simply require rising earlier in the morning. My T&Th are 8 hour days with my commute and those days are so much easier to manage my workouts. I just do them in the morning or after work. I worked out in the morning the other day for the first time in awhile and I forgot how much satisfaction I get knowing it's over and done and that I have put myself first.I have really been trying to workout outside as much as possible... I have a sore knee from outdoor running... nothing that icing won't help.

*Just realized after I wrote this that I had forgotten to take my thyroid & cortisone meds that morning... both affect my energy... after awhile my 3 pm dose kicked in and I felt better.

Friday, July 5, 2013

week 59

weight 136

all is well. trying to balance it all.. new job, summer, etc.... but so far so good. I am feeling a little overwhelmed at the new job.. so much to learn. Yesterday Liv and I walked 4 miles, so I got my exercise time and Mommy daughter time in at the same time.

Today is a rest day, but on my lunch I walked 10 flights of stairs to get some exercise in. I am going to try to do this everyday.... stairs are a great workout