Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Step Challenge

My job is having a month long 10,000 step challenge... starting on Monday.. and there will be prizes.

they bought us cheap pedometers, I gave mine to Liv because I love my fit bit. So basically we track our steps and there will be agency level prizes amongst my 12 co-workers and then county level winners. I already do pretty well. I average about 7,000 steps and 3 miles per day. I am excited and hoping this gives me a renewed sense of competition and finding my mojo again.

full disclosure- I have my lazy days to where I am lucky to get over 4,000 steps

also I am going on a business trip in a few weeks ( so sad about leaving Liv, but also excited for the training ) and to kick off the anniversary of community action they are having a 10 k ( 6 miles) walk/run.  My boss really wants me to do it with her so she is not walking alone... I was feeling a little overwhelmed by the 6 miles... but I just heard today that they dropped it to a super 5 k, 4 that should be a little easier.

am I the only one who feels uncomfortable in unfamiliar situations and locations?  we will be walking on a long narrow bike path and for some reason the thought stresses me mildly... specifically not being able to see my end destination. Ever since I got lost with Liv snow shoeing... I like knowing where I am going... but I will be with a large group of walkers & runners and I can do this. I am not going to let fear keep me from a goal.. I have been wanting to do a 5 k for a long time.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Still standing


I am still here...... I have been giving all my blogging love to my new normal blog... as you can imagine being newly separated,  recently moved, new job, and new school for Liv is a big amount of changes and I am venting my heart out. I am trying very hard to take care of myself and not let go of my priorities... its harder now... that I am a single Mom and I can only spread myself so thin.

I am still doing my thing.. my weight is about 140... but my clothes are still fitting the same... but I would prefer to be down 5 lbs.... but you know what.. I am not stressing over it. It is a number on a scale.

My job is having this daily step challenge and I am excited because there will be prizes.... woot!!!
So I am really looking forward to the nice weather so I can get walking.

I am here... doing my thing in a dialed down fashion.... but soon I hope to step it up

Monday, April 7, 2014


Lunch was so filling,I had the whole I feel like a light dinner

Balanced lunch

1/2 yam with butter and brown sugar


Hello my loyal reader ( the few of you who check in)

I have been down the last few weeks.. I am on my second round of antibiotics to clear this painful dental abscess that has caused a lump in my gums. The antibiotic's have wreaked havoc on my lady bits and am on another med to clear up that infection... honestly they both are even in the level of suckiness they bring to my life. Nothing makes me crankier than a yeast infection.

My weight is around 140...I would prefer it to be at 135.... but ya know... I am not going to beat myself up over it. I am not exercising 5 days a week or eating ultra strict like I did not get to 133,I am not drinking protein shakes daily... but I would like to have them once a week cause I like them. I am living a more balanced life.... a  life as a single Mom. I can make improvements and sure as hell plan to once I get both of these infections cleared.  I am just dog tired now.

I am working out about 3 days a week...usually. Eating healthy most of the time.

so thanks for sticking around.... hoping to be back with my usual zest and motivation soon