Monday, December 30, 2013

week 81

weight 138

trying to get back on track and find my blogging & fitness mojo. I feel like I have been off focus since November. I worked out today ( yeah) and planning for wens and Friday too. I am basically still doing my thing... working out 2-3 days per week... but doing the bare minimum really. I just have lost a little drive & ambition. I think its minor depression and initially just being so exhausted from the move. My life & routine has changed.. I am now essentially a single parent and have more to juggle... but no excuses.. I got this.. I am not giving up or giving it... it is totally normal for ambition and motivation to wax and wane.

2014 is my year and I will be back with a vengeance. Stay tuned

Thursday, December 19, 2013


This week I have taken a work out break.. I got the stomach flu on Saturday night and have not been 100% all week

Saturday, December 14, 2013

week 80

weight 136

found my fitbit... so happy... was fixing to buy another on ebay

so I am doing pretty good with my workouts..  basically getting some workouts in 3 days a week... more at the Y these days than at home but that is ok,  I fell off the wagon tracking my food on my fitness pal since the move and I really need to get back into that habit.

I also feel like I am emotional eating more than usual... which is understandable given my circumstances but still not something I want to make a habit of. I simply recognize it and keep myself  busy in other ways.

how are you all doing on your fitness goals?

Sunday, December 8, 2013

this & that

I lost my fitbit and I am lost without it... I wore that thing 24/7 and used it constantly since I have had it the past 18 months. I tracked my sleep, my steps and would check it multiple times a day to see if I was on track. So Sat morning I synced it and checked my sleep stats, I then remember slipping it in my robe pocket. I changed the cat litter and dug through some laundry baskets picking out something to wear, then I jumped in the shower and when  went to get dressed ( I clip it my fitbit on my bra) I realized it was gone.  I can't find it anywhere and the condo is not that big. My only explanation is perhaps it fell in the trash when I was dumping out the litter?  It is honestly no where to be found.

I am so bummed... oh well.. I will have to buy another on ebay. I had my root canal retreat on wens.... OUCH!!!!!! worked out wens/fri and tonight.

Monday, December 2, 2013

week 79

weight 136

worked out three days at the Y last week.... it's good because it is getting me and Liv out of the house. They have some cool equipment and this new sideways elliptical machine which seems to mimic ice skating and I really felt it.Today I was planning on going but am struggling with a sinus headache... I took a Claritin D which made me feel so sleepy... I know those things are supposed to be non drowsy... but I swear they affect me. I napped for an hour.

The day is still young... I may still head to the Y. I have been a tad cranky lately... and snapping at Liv. We are kinda on top of each other here at the Condo and just with her boredom on thanksgiving break.... we were just in each others hair. I am thankful John came to get her this morning to keep her for the night.... we both needed that break.

I may just take a mental health day and take a nice long bath and enjoy the quiet condo. I was able to meet up with a friend for lunch today for a much needed bitch & vent session.