Friday, June 28, 2013

week 58

weight 135

I started my job this week and I will now start working out 3 days a week- Tuesday, Thursday and Sat. T&TH because those are my shorter days of the week. I am def not getting as many daily steps in at all...I usually average around 7000-9000 steps and over 10 flights of stairs and today I only did 4300 and 5 flights... I will get my 5 more flights in before bed.... but it's not a workout day for me. I am sitting more at this job, versus at court I was constantly moving around & going up and down stairs. My old Job I had to go down a flight of stairs to make & retrieve copies, faxes, lunch... while everything is now in easy reach. I need to make reasons to get up and move with this job. On my lunch I went up & down the 3 flights and did a little walk. I could probably do those stairs a few more times.

I am sure once I get going with my home visits I will move more... one clients home is just 1/2 mile from the office so I will try to walk to that clients home. all is well... still eating healthy.. been doing a little over the bare minimum with my workouts just because of time restraints and my new schedule/commute adjustments. I had mucho flexibility at my old job and it was never a big deal to be exactly on time. This new place is a stickler.. 5 min late is tardy and you can be written up... so I allow myself 45-50 minutes for my 35 min commute to allow for traffic/trains or other setbacks. I need to start pushing it a little more once I get into the swing of things.

I really want to move closer to this new job... we will see.

Nervous to drop my workouts from 5 days to 3... but it's just more realistic with my new job. Also I can really push myself and have more quality workouts.


  1. I think you are doing an awesome job.

  2. You always have such a great attitude - attack each new situation with a plan. After a year of such hard work and great results, maybe you can set a time frame (2 months?) to consider yourself in maintenance mode. Then, once you've settled into the job and Liv's back in school you can attack again if you want to. As I've said before, you're journey has been so inspiring to me and really helped me stick with it when the weight wasn't coming off like I wanted it to. I've been doing the couch to 5K on the treadmill and want to add some arms and abs.

    1. Good advice betsy
      Thanks For The Support vincent


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