Thursday, January 3, 2013

2013 fitness goals

I think the reason I am not seeing the results I want to see is because I have not changed things up. I have added weights but overall my basic workouts have remained the same. I need to challenge myself and I am trying by varying the incline, doing intervals, adding heavier weights.. I definitely need to push myself a little more. I am not sweating like I used to because my body has adapted. A fellow MFP buddy had this to offer

"There are basically 3 variables you can manipulate

Frequency: (how often you are working out) You could safely add a 6th day to your routine.

Intensity: How hard you are working. The interval training is a very good idea. Try adding this one day a week. You will need to shorten the duration of that session:Rowing machines, and stair steppers are great for interval workouts. You can also add incline, or speed up the tread mill. The trick here is that you want to go hard REALLY hard. You should only be able to sustain the pace for about 1 minute. You should feel like you physically have to stop at the end of the interval. Aside from interval training going outside and hiking hills or running are great ways to change up the intensity of your routine

Try to increase the duration of one of your workouts every week. Make this your 'long day' increase the duration by 5-10% weekly. I think you would see the best bang for your buck by increasing the duration of both your cardio and strength sessions.
Try doing cardio 3-4 times per week targeting 60 minutes. Then do a full body strength routine 2-3 times per week, again around 60 minutes with stretching and warmup."

 My Fitness goals for 2013

1)Lose Fat/Lose the love handles- while I have definitely flattened my stomach by dropping the pounds.. I would love to whittle my waist and lose the love handles.I would like to really focus on getting as close to six pack abs as I can and I need to lose fat to do this.

2) My original goal weight was far I have made it to 134 but I don't want to limit myself with a certain number.It's motivating to have a goal weight to work towards, so 130 is my new goal. My jean size & overall fitness is more important than a number on the scale.So If I am a super buff 140 lbs... so be it. On one hand I am  trying not to be a slave to the scale and on the other hand the scale is a tool that keeps me on track. Balance is what I am striving for.

3) I was considering  hiring a personal trainer to come show me some new moves in my home/utilizing the vast array of equipment I own.  I am a pretty disciplined person obviously... but the truth is that I am not where I want to be yet doing this for nearly 8 months by myself.  Its pretty costly.. wondering if I don't want to do a boot-camp instead... 4 classes for $30 bucks just to learn some new ideas that I can bring home & do.

4) stop being hard on myself... so I am not feeling the morning workouts these days.. so what.. I am still doing still counts. Its as if I feel I am less disciplined because I don't do it straight away. I am still getting it done and thats all that counts.

Nutrition Goals

My main meals are pretty balanced & healthy.... I still have a sugar thing that I need to work on and snacking thing. I def relaxed my eating over the holidays and indulged... so time to really rein it in.  I must remember to drink  my protein shakes on lifting days. I could stand to eat more fruit. Still working on just eating cleaner.

General Life Goals

Take more chances

Get out of the house more

get a full time advocacy job with a local PS/court.

live each day to the fullest

enjoy my daughter & Husband

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