Thursday, August 22, 2013

I love a deal

I have been having protein shakes every morning for the past few weeks.... they are replacing my typical belvita bars and coffee at 6.30 am. I have basically cut out caffeine from my diet... not intentionally. I had some wicked headaches for the first week sans coffee. My whey powder of choice is $18 at Walgreens and one can makes 15 smoothies. ( 1st step pro wellness is the brand I prefer). I found it in the clearance section today for $8.99.. woot! I remembered I had a $2 off coupon at home and another $2 off coupon from the store... so I am hoping nobody snags the last can left so I can stock up tomorrow after work.

I find the vanilla flavor more versatile as I can easily make it chocolate flavored by adding baking cocoa.I just need to find a way to cut down the sugar in my shake.... I think getting unsweetened almond milk will help a lot. The protein powder has very little sugar 2 grams, while the milk has 10 grams. I am guessing it is just the natural sugars in fruit that make up the rest. I suppose I could add water.... but I like the calcium of almond milk. I am going to have to play around with different types of liquids. Liv really likes the Vanilla sweetened almond milk and prefers it to regular milk which she basically refuses to drink plain.

I want to start adding some ground flax to my smoothies... because it is supposed to be good for you. My reason for drinking protein shakes is all the positive research I am reading in favor of it. I also use my blender instead of just a blender bottle. The blender really gives it a great texture.

while I am not seeing any wow scale changes yet.. I do feel stronger & better.  also My skin, nails and hair look better and I am really enjoying playing around with different combos and recipes.

Here is what my typical day looks like

6.30 am Protien shake-  8 oz almond milk, 1 scoop whey powder,  assorted frozen fruit, ice ( extras- PB2 powder, teaspoon dry pudding mix, etc. = 280/300 calories, 5 gram fat, 8 gram fiber, 28 grams protein, 25 + gram sugar depending what fruit I add.

10 am- light snack- Fat free greek yogurt or triscut crackers & cottage cheese or granola bar

12- lunch ( salad, leftovers or a lean cuisine)

3- light snack- fruit or fiber one bar

5- dinner

7- snack if I have calories leftover and if I am hungry.  If It is a rest day than I typically don't have the calories left for a snack.

have you tried protein shakes?

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