Tuesday, August 6, 2013

you say plateau, I say platoe

Since starting my new job and switching to 3 days a week workouts my scale weight has just been creeping up a lb or two. Nothing major... I fluctuate between 136- 138 ( home scale.. My work scale is evil)... I am much more content at 135. I am not stressing to much... but the scale is the tool I use to keep myself in check.

I have been doing pretty awesome with my workouts... getting extra activity in on the weekends when I am focusing on Livi. Doing lots of stairs. Trying to enjoy as much outside time as I can before summer is gone. If anything I am eating less salads and more convenience lean cuisine type lunches.....stress snacking more at night and indulging in a few to many ice-creams. I really think being lax in my healthy eating is the culprit.I am still drinking my water and making good choices... but just falling off the wagon a smidge. I rather catch it early.

This weeks activity & accountability log

fri- rest day, splurge meal at a mexican place

sat- beach day with Liv... walking up lots of steps at the beach and 1 mile walk/run outdoors combo in the AM - lots of ice-cream too

sun- active day at the farm, over 12,000 steps and 5 miles walked, 600 cals burned ( had a few fries from Liv's kids meal)

mon- walk/run 3 miles on treadmill ( nursing shin splints from Saturdays run, or else I would have ran 3 miles w/o walking)bicep curls, pushups, dips, upper body kettle ball weights, good stretch

tues ( today) 20 min of good intense cardio on my nordic track and then prone jackknife for abs, planks, pushups and delt rows, dips.

wens- rest day

Thurs- TBD- prolly elliptical

fri- rest day

I just did a quick check on MFP for the last 30 days and I have been over on fat & sugar :( ...... funny I tend to just focus on my daily calories and not much else.

It's good to check in and be accountable.... packed a big healthy salad for lunch today.... my back to basics diet that keeps me on a healthy path. I just have to remember to rein in my emotional snacking.

1 comment:

  1. You make a good point - it's not about gluttony vs. denial, it's about small tweaks here and there. When you indulge a bit in one area, you just make up for it later. It can't rule your life, but it IS a healthy lifestyle.


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