Tuesday, August 20, 2013


weight 137

I am a little frustrated with the scale... but I should know better right? to let the scale have so much power. Chris Powell on extreme makeover is all about the scale.  Is anybody else watching extreme weightloss? a new episode is on tonight. It is so inspiring. Anywho my scale is seemingly stuck... even though I have been under my calorie goals and working out hard.... Hrrumph. I want to lose 5 lbs.

I have been doing pretty darn good at eating fresh fruits and veggies. I went to the farmers market today after work I was so tempted to buy a ton... It seems they go bad so fast .... but I am sick & tired of throwing away fruit. I always ask John to put fresh fruit in liv's lunch ( we take turns packing) but he won't and she won't make those healthy choices. If I pack it.. she typically eats it.

I started making my protein shakes with almond milk... should have got the unsweetened because the sugar count in my fav shake is pretty high. I keep going over my sugar limit... going to really try to rein this in. I do not drink any pop or anything...just water all day, nor am I adding sugar to anything... It's just in fat free low fat stuff in copious amounts. Today I ate pretty darn healthy and still my sugar is over. I am making a goal to be more aware of hidden sugars and limit them.

I get frustrated that after a year of running, that my outdoor running stamina has not improved much... It is a slow process. I have been making a serious effort this summer to improve and yet I struggle with running 1/2 mile before getting very winded.  I think its pacing and todays heat did not help. So I typically just do the c25k regimen... walk to warm up...run until I can't run anymore and my lungs are burning... then walk until I catch my breathe... wash, rinse, repeat.

My goal is to be able to run a mile outside without stopping.. mind you I can do three miles without stopping already on the treadmill.

I want to achieve these goals by October 20th 2013.

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