Thursday, August 29, 2013

week 67- TMI

weight 138

perplexed by the scale... but whatevs....not letting that bother me because I know I have done the work and made healthy choices. Been super healthy this week. I am going to my endocrinologist in Oct and having labs done and asking for an increase in my thyroid meds..over the years my dosage goes up & down and this is when of those times I need it to go up.. I can just feel it.

Todays run was the complete opposite of Mondays run.. I was not feeling the running outside today.. my thighs were screaming at me... still sore from Mondays run. Dealing with a girly issue that made running uncomfortable. I resorted to walking for 15 min and then I came inside and managed to run on the treadmill for 15 minutes and then hit the weights for upper body and did some prone jackknifes. Better than nothing for sure.

I have been cranky as heck... trying unsuccessfully to battle a yeast infection for a good month with probiotics.
I was on z-pac last month and that got my system out of wack. sorry TMI I know... it was like it was manageable and than suddenly I felt that If I did not get some relief I would go postal. I finally called and asked for a script for diflucan. Can't wait to feel better.

to top off my week I discovered Liv had lice... ugghh..I think she picked it up the daycare she was at briefly before school started. There was a two week gap between summer camp ending and school starting. She was scratching her head on Saturday and I checked her but found nothing. I chalked it up to chlorine or not rinsing well enough... after continued itching and after a closer look.. I found them.... 15 years as a daycare/headstart teacher has honed my lice detection skills. So Tuesday I did not workout... I spent the evening stripping the beds, bagging up stuffed toys, washing bedding and treating Liv and myself for good measure. I don't have it, however Liv has been sleeping in my bed lately so I just wanted to cover all bases. What an ordeal... it took up the whole night. That was two days ago.. I have been checking her twice daily.... combing her out.. as of now she is nit free thank goodness.. I will keep checking though.. she has a lot of hair and those nits are tiny.

I used a natural non chemical shampoo called Lice guard, tea tree conditioner and a special metal tooth comb... the secret is just comb, comb, comb.. grab a flash light or sunlight is best and divide the head in sections and carefully look for eggs. It takes me an hour to get through Liv's head. This is the second time she has brought it home.. the last was 2 years ago... I am hoping this is the last time.. because it sucks.

Is it Friday yet?

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