Monday, September 16, 2013

Monday Runday and Mental Health

Improving my outdoor pace. I am basically redoing the c25k outdoors.... warming up, running until I can't run anymore, then reverting to walking.... wash, rinse, repeat for 30 min and I average about 1.5 -2 miles... depending on how much energy I have.  My HR monitor is really helping me... it seems that running outside really gets my HR up.... too high at points so I need to stop and walk until it lowers... I think It's a pacing, breathing, practice makes perfect issue.... I am not sure what my pace is but I am sure I need to slow down.  Running outside definitely challenges me and my body.. I am still feeling Saturdays run.

I have been a little to snacky at my new job..... eating out of boredom/stress. This has probably accounted for my weight gain. Again I need to choose fruits & nuts for snacks and not the high sugar 100 calorie packs that my sweet tooth is drawn too. My new job has been a big adjustment in my life....been there just shy of 3 months and I have days that I really miss my old job. I am not crazy about my 45 min commute. I feel more isolated at my new work place.... lonely.... it's less of a social job.. and I did not realize how social we were at my old job.... it may have been toxic and dysfunctional at times... but those Ladies really were my sounding board. I am slowly getting to know my new coworkers and it is a very professional mostly drama free environment. I have been trying hard to connect with friends and luckily have been able to meet up for lunch, play dates and have a lunch date  with my old coworker next week that I am looking forward to.

I decided to seek out a therapist.. I am uninsured which is what has deterred me in the past. There is a place near my job that has a sliding fee scale and based on my income I need to pay about $30 a session. I have my first visit later this week. That copay doable if I go every other week. I think just having someone to talk to regarding some of my concerns is only going to help me. I have a very positive view of therapy and I have gone on & off for several years. I think this could also help keep my emotional eating in check if I am getting those feelings out in other ways.

I really want to overcome my elevator phobia... this is a newish problem for me and I am extremely embarrassed by it. It seemingly came out of nowhere.. I noticed that my throat started feeling dry when in an elevator and then feeling anxiety when it took awhile for the doors to open and then I was in a old faulty elevator that shuddered and that did me in so to speak. I have read about this particular fear and some say it's hard to overcome as the rides don't last long enough for a person to wait out the symptoms. I don't have any irrational fears of being stuck... by avoiding elevators I am avoiding those uncomfortable feelings. I know it will pass.. I know I will be fine... but they are terrifying enough to take the stairs/

I am perplexed by this.. I rode elevators without a care for 40 years and then one day... anxiety.

really hoping I can find a good therapist to help me through this and just be a sounding board .

1 comment:

  1. I have been struggling with panic attacks while driving (usually backing out of my driveway) and I got this stuff called Rescue Remedy. It comes in gum, pastille (sucking candy) and spray. I love the spray. Maybe it's the placebo effect, but I don't care.


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