Friday, September 14, 2012

Core & Vent

I am working hard to shape up my core... of course I am sucking it all in when I take these pics.. lol. But I am seeing progress... when I suck it in I can see the body I am working hard on molding. I really am paying closer attention to strengthening my core. That prone jack knife move is tough.

I love success stories with before & after pics. I get really motivated and inspired. If I am having a low day I just read a few stories and look at some pics and get re-energized all over again. What really bugs me are the before pregnancy pics that show a woman in her ninth month ready to burst...I don't think.. "gee that lady let herself go"... what I am thinking is that lady is pregnant... really pregnant... with twins possibly. I usually know that they are in their ninth month as they are in the wheel chair on their way to delivery, possibly crowning at that very

 To me overweight & pregnant are two different animals. I know one can be overweight while pregnant and I hear that pregnancy causes weight gain.. lol.... I just don't like the use of pregnancy pics as an indicator of weight loss success. It just rubs me the wrong way and seems a little like cheating somehow. 

I have never been pregnant.. so maybe this is just something I am not getting. I would much prefer to see pic of her with the post pregnancy weight and then her new body she worked hard to create. Pre- baby, after baby and then her final results. I am sure it is a struggle to lose the baby weight and I am not in any way , shape or form diminishing the hard work it takes to get in shape no matter what caused one to gain the weight.

I am guessing that these Ladies are just posting the picture of them at their largest to have the wow factor.I guess I can't fault them for that.. they earned those stripes and carried that load. Kudos to them... honestly.
what do you think? maybe all my infertility woes have left me a little jaded and I am not getting it?

1 comment:

  1. That's kind of funny about the pregnant women pics! I agree with you - it really isn't an indicator of how much weight they've lost. Yes, people do gain more than just the weight of the baby, but still, between water retention, baby, etc., it's not an indicator of how much they had to lose. But I'm sure it does make them feel better to look at before and after that way.
    You're looking great, by the way! I love the core work too. I think it's great for you in so many ways. Wish my husband would do it - he always seems to be pulling a muscle doing random things and I think his core really needs strengthening. Keep up the good work!


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