Friday, September 7, 2012


This is the homework from the book I am reading.. since I can't write in the library book.. I am blogging it.

Goals- ( write your goals without considering if it's realistic.. be very specific)
 I want to be below the double digits in my clothing size... a size 6 would be lovely. I want to lose inches & body fat. I want to be lean and fit. I want to be able to wear a bikini and workout in a midriff baring sports bra & shorts. I was a toned trim body. I want to donate any " fat" clothing, anything that has a stretchy waist and does nothing for my body. I want to feel great in my own skin and never feel insecure about my body again.I want to look healthy & fit, soft & feminine with defined muscles. I want to feel strong and love myself inside & out.

what am I willing to do to make this a reality?
I will make the time for myself, I already wake up early to exercise, I will plan ahead for lunches & meals, give up fast food & unhealthy food choices.

What sacrifices am I not willing to make? My daughter comes first... so should she need me... she always comes first.. I will not put my goals in-front of her needs... however I have managed to workout 5 days a week for the past 4 months and I still meet her needs. I always can delegate to my husband and it's ok to say that it's my time.

How will I feel once I achieve my goals- I will feel strong, healthy, vibrant and amazing, being in the best shape of my life will give me boundless energy and renewed self confidence. I hope to have an amazing success story that I can share with other women. I want to encourage & inspire family, friends and strangers to be the best they can be.

What will drive me to do what it takes to become a Fit female? what will the repercussions be if you do not meet your goals?  I am a very driven person, and even when my motivation is dragging, I like to be focused on a goal. I do very well at breaking down a goal into baby steps and taking things one day at a time. The repercussions of not meeting my goals will be just the natural consequences of not taking care of my body & health.

come up with a mission statement

Just get started, nothing to it but to do it
Perhaps I am stronger than I think
One day at a time, each workout brings me closer to my goal
a one hour workout is 4% of my day- no excuses. 

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