Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Week 17

My weight was 140 this morning.. trying not to focus on that because I know I am on track & working hard. I have only missed one workout in 17 weeks due to illness and I made that one up on the weekend. I have been pretty sore from increasing my work with weights and I know the body tends to retain water when it is repairing the muscle.... so no biggie and I really mean that. I am ok with going up on the scale if my body is getting smaller in size, leaner and firmer. That is a trade off I can handle. These pants in the picture were too tight/ small on me before and now they fit fine. I am comfortable tucking in shirts now too. I strained my lat muscle so I have not lifted any weights since Monday and instead am doing my morning cardio and evening core work on the Swiss ball.

 My new plan is to do 30 minutes of cardio M/W/F and do the weight lifting program on T/Th. Resting on weekends as usual. I may switch that up as I go along and learn the routine.  The book advises 3 days a week of weights and to drop cardio all together at first.. but since I am so sedentary at my job, I really feel I need that cardio.. so I am trusting my gut. I am modifying the plan to meet my needs and then I will see how it goes. 

I kinda decided not to pursue outdoor training for the 5k at this time. Running outdoors is something I enjoy, however I enjoy running on the treadmill more. I don't find that running comes very naturally to me.. i love the high afterwards....but outdoor running feels very rough on my body- hips, knees. I keep getting discouraged /frustrated that outdoor running leaves me so sore and is taking me longer to adjust to. I am still needing to stop often for walking breaks. I have been unable to get the pacing right to even run a mile straight.  Its a challenge and while I am still doing it on occasion.. I feel I need to focus on other goals where I can see results from my hard work.

now on to new goals.... I have always been interested in weight lifting and I think My large boned body type is going to respond well to it. 

1 comment:

  1. You look great! Besides what it's doing for you, you're setting a great example for Liv.


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