Thursday, April 4, 2013

Week 46


  1. Honestly Lauri you look darling and TINY! I have been watching this blog for awhile and it took me some time to get in this mind set of fitness and being healthy. I have 2 adopted children-one on the autism spectrum. It has been rough and I have stress eaten for far too long. So I can relate. I have gained and lost the same 10 pounds for the past year. If I wouldn't have done the gaining back I would be 50-60 pounds lighter now! haha I have finally lost enough weight where I have broken that vicious 10 pound cycle (I do need to lose much more than you). I have also started exercising smart this time. Very slowly. I tend to go all out for 2-3 weeks killing myself and then get injured and can't do anything for 3-4 weeks. But it's starting to come around. Thanks for being an inspiration with your persistence and putting it all out there. -Heather

  2. Thanks For The Support means so much. Best of luck on your journey

  3. You look amazing Laurie! And has it been a year already? How fast time flies!

    Well done for your hard work and dedication!

  4. You look so cute in those jeans! It must feel so great to buy super cute clothes and know you look great in them! Do you notice that you are, uh, let's say much more interested in your husband physically now? That's what I have always heard from people, that when you lose weight and feel wonderful, the bedroom really heats up! Congrats on your one year anniversary!!!



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