Sunday, August 5, 2012

Before & During Pics- June to August

top  before pic was taken on 6/14/12
bottom during progress pic was taken 8/5/12


  1. I am so proud of you. You have come a long way :)

  2. Thanks... I appreciate your support

  3. Hi Lauri!! That is freaking amazing! I am so proud of you and SO happy for you! Good job! I have a much longer way to go, but I think I will take a picture today so I have something other than the scale to document my loss.

  4. Debbie

    yes take pics... it's hard I know... but you will want to look back and see your progress

  5. Great job Lauri. I hadn't thought about taking pics. From your improvement I can see they can be a lot more motivating than the scale. Thanks for the tip.

  6. Holy crap, look at your progress! Do not worry about the scale, you are rocking this!

  7. Laurie, you hot little tamale!! Screw the scale, you are looking absolutely amazing!!

  8. I like the line "Screw the scale". I might get the courage to start taking pics!


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