Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Week 13

I was watching extreme makeover last night and Chris Powell was frustrated that his client was not losing weight stating it's "basic math"... burn more than you consume and the lbs will drop. Well I can tell you that for me at least.. it has not been as simple as basic math. For 13 weeks I have burned more than I consume. I have worked hard, and been vigilant in my food choices and even more so in documenting them. I have never been this dedicated before. The last few weeks my weight loss has been at a standstill... I am trying not to let it get me down. Every day when I complete my food entry on MFP, it says " if everyday were like today, you would weigh 132, 130, etc... within 5 weeks".. well it's been 13 weeks and that's bullshit.I wish I would opt out of having to see that message every-night.

I do have  hurdles that most people don't have.  I have a very rare condition called Panhypopituitarisim. I have to supplement every hormone in my body and the doctors can't always duplicate or mimic the exact dosage I need...especially cortisone... they basically guess and in my opinion they overestimate worried about an adrenal crisis. This could be making my journey harder... but not impossible. This is why I work out 5 days a week instead of three. I will not use that as an excuse to give up..I will persevere. I am a survivor.

 I was researching how to measure your body frame- my body frame is considered "large" because of the size of my wrist(6.5 inches).I would have guessed medium. I am short in stature, but not dainty. I come from hearty stock, tall big boned people in my family. My parents are 6 feet tall. My Grandparents were tall, My sisters are tall. I should have been tall.I was meant to be tall( long story, I died at birth- brain damage= growth hormone deficiency and issues listed above, they can tell by growth plates in my hands how I was meant to be)  I am very fortunate to have reached the height I am today ( 5'3). I do have rather long legs for a short girl.. so I will take that as a little extra benefit from my supposed to be a tall girl genes. So maybe I need to re-calculate my goal weight, taking my body frame into account and instead focus on my measurements,body composition and muscle.

I am still as motivated as ever.  Thinking of my week 16 reward already :)



  1. Your weight may be staying relatively constant because you are losing fat and gaining muscle. The great news there is that a pound of fat takes up about the same amount of space as 5 pounds of muscle! -Maybe it would be better/more motivating for you to have a dress size goal rather than a weight goal?

  2. Good idea... I am feeling firmer, tighter and more toned. My clothing is loose.... so that is keeping my motivated.


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